Dual Node appliances


Dual Node Appliances

The EQ-DN (Dual Node) series appliances are designed to provide Quest software a new Next-Gen enterprise hardware platform consisting of 2 servers in a single 2U chassis. The appliances continue where the the other EQ-series stop. Adding an extra server in a 2U chassis enables us to combine Quest software products to offer the best enterprise solution for backup, DR and high availability.

Why Next-Gen? Add products that fit together in 1 single appliance and ensure you have the best solution for all security and continuity needs in your company. Because the nodes are build exactly the same as the separate servers all functionality will instantly become available. 

There is an appliance for every organization and market without compromising on quality and performance. Excepta works with Enterprise-grade solutions at affordable prices.

Excepta Appliances are validated by Quest Software Inc.!


Next-Gen Dual Node appliances

The EQ-series Dual Node appliances introduces many new features, including the unique ability to dedicate a high-speed disk area that can be used for any Quest product. The Performance Tier allows high-speed disk to be used for fast backups and instant recovery without losing its deduplication capability. This means the high-performance tier won’t take up any extra storage.

In order to meet your organization requirements, the EQ-series are equipped with SAS, SSD or even NVMe disks. And with the EQ-series storage models growth is almost unlimited.

You can rely on the EQ-series to do the job and ensure fast and efficient recovery in case of an emergency situation!

Scalable, smart and Efficient design

The EQ-series Dual Node appliances is the evolution of the Quest DL and DR Series combined in 1 single chassis. Combining several products offers functionality that has never been combined in 1 single solution! Combinations like Rapid Recovery with QoreStor, VEEAM with QoreStor, Raid Recovery with NetVault to provide tape support, KACE will RR or even HA for Rapid Recovery Core or NetVault and QoreStor servers provide endless options that ensures the appliances meet business requirements in a secured environment.

with the interconnect between the nodes the second (bottom) node does not have any connections to the production environment thus introducing an extra layer of defense against potential cyber-attacks.

Enterprise Security

Backup and DR is a companies last resort in case of a emergency nowadays mostly caused by a cyber-attack. This is why Excepta introduces a Dual Node Appliance with a build in firewall node to ensure companies their last resort is there to stay even if an attack has taken place. Closed down and packed with threat detection functionalities the firewall node ensures no one is able to penetrate the important systems running. Regardless if this is your backup and DR environment, financial system or other systems holding classified information safety is what powers the appliance! Combining the appliance with pre-installed Multi-Factor authentication, Threat Detection and Response on the second node ensures you’ll be saver then ever before.

Adding nodes powered by Quest products and seperate Excepta hypervisor appliances (Dual Node or single) introduces a virtual standby environment in a closed environment (save zone) to ensure business continuous in a matter of minutes.

Unique solution for Service Providers

Your stakeholders have no tolerance for system downtime due to backups. The Excepta Dual node appliances address the storage demand by minimizing needed storage using Quest data protection software combined with Quest Qorestor, the best in class deduplication and compression software on the market today! Not only is recovery significantly faster, costs are lower. QoreStor also accelerates data ingest by up to 20 terabytes per hour using protocol accelerators and client-side deduplication where only unique data chunks are sent over the LAN or WAN.

Introducing our Excepta Multi-tenant and role based MSP interface now addresses the need for MSP’s to be able to use Quest Rapid Recovery and provide access to customers to their own protected machines without loosing necessary functionality to restore data or even entire servers in the cloud on on premise. Combining Multi-Factor Authentication ensure security is at the highest level and safeguards resources against unauthorized access. Rapid

Recovery and QoreStor combined? Yes we can!

MSP - RR - QS - SEC-overview


Threat management

Malware threats continue to turn their focus on small and midsized businesses and distributed enterprises, with no end in sight. But with constrained resources and a limited budget, how are these organizations going to win the fight against advanced attacks?
The Excepta hardware leverages multiple methods of detection to catch known and unknown threats. Through the correlation and prioritization of network, endpoint and threat intelligence event data, users can confidently respond to the most severe attacks before damage is done.

Your backup solution is the last resort in a company’s IT. Total malfunction needs to be prevented using latest generation protection software!


Multi-Factor Authentication

The integrated multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution not only helps to reduce the likelihood of network disruptions and data breaches arising from lost or stolen credentials, but we deliver this important capability entirely from the Cloud for easy set-up and management. AuthPoint goes beyond traditional 2-factor authentication (2FA) by considering innovative ways to positively identify users, and our large ecosystem of 3rd party integrations means that you can use MFA to protect access to the network, VPNs, and Cloud applications. Even non-technical users find the AuthPoint mobile app easy and convenient to use!



Designed for small offices, stores, small production companies, workplaces and institutions

Quick and Easy installation and self-manageable or outsources


Designed for midsized companies with branch offices, store chains and municipalities 

Data depending organizations with striclty limited downtime requirements or fast growing data footprints


Designed for large and enterprise, (multiple) datacenter(s), domestic and foreign branch offices, (semi-) government agencies

When high performance, availability and IT-continuity are top priority
